Are you looking to enhance your CAD skills and increase your productivity with DraftSight? Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to CAD software, mastering the basic drawing tools in DraftSight is essential for creating precise and efficient 2D designs. In this tutorial, we’ll explore the fundamental drawing tools available in DraftSight, providing you with the knowledge you need to excel in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, life sciences, industrial equipment, high-tech, consumer goods, architecture, construction, and urban planning.
DraftSight, a professional grade 2D CAD software, is renowned for its flexibility, scalability, and extensive file compatibility, making it a popular choice among CAD professionals, engineers, and designers. Understanding the basic drawing tools in DraftSight is crucial for anyone involved in product innovation and development. These tools form the foundation of your design workflow, enabling you to create accurate and detailed drawings that meet industry standards.
New Drawings
Starting a new drawing in DraftSight is straightforward. Open DraftSight and click on the “New” button or go to “File” > “New“. This will open a blank drawing space where you can begin your design. Creating a new drawing is the first step in any project, and it’s essential to set the correct units and drawing scale to ensure accuracy.

Lines are the most basic and essential drawing elements in DraftSight. To draw a line, select the “Line” tool from the toolbar or type “Line + Enter” in the command window. Click to specify the starting point, and then click again to define the endpoint. Lines are used in nearly every aspect of design, from simple sketches to complex engineering drawings.

Removing unwanted elements from your drawing is simple with the “Delete” command. Select the object you wish to remove and press the “Delete” key on your keyboard, or type “Erase + Enter” in the command window. Efficient use of the delete function helps maintain a clean and organized drawing space.

Drawing rectangles is quick and easy in DraftSight. Select the “Rectangle” tool from the toolbar or type “Rectangle + Enter” in the command window. Click to define the first corner, and then click again to specify the opposite corner.

To draw a circle, select the “Circle” tool from the toolbar or type “Circle + Enter” in the command window. Click to specify the centre point, and then enter the radius or click to define the circumference.

Undo / Redo
The “Undo” and “Redo” commands are essential for any CAD professional. They allow you to quickly correct mistakes and revert to previous versions of your drawing. Use “Ctrl + Z” for undo and “Ctrl + Y” for redo. These commands are invaluable for maintaining precision and accuracy in your work.

Arcs are curved lines that are essential for creating complex shapes and designs. To draw an arc, select the “Arc” tool from the toolbar or type “Arc + Enter” in the command window. Specify the start point, end point, and a third point to define the curvature.

Polygons are multi-sided shapes that can be easily created in DraftSight. Select the “Polygon” tool from the toolbar or type “Polygon + Enter” in the command window. Enter the number of sides, specify the centre point, and define the radius.

Power Trim
The “Power Trim” tool allows you to quickly trim multiple objects simultaneously. Select the “Power Trim” tool from the toolbar or type “Trim + Enter” in the command window, then drag your cursor across the objects you wish to trim. This tool is highly efficient for cleaning up intersections and creating precise drawings.

The “Mirror” tool creates a mirrored copy of selected objects. Select the “Mirror” tool from the toolbar or type “Mirror + Enter” in the command window. Choose the objects to mirror, specify the mirror line, and decide whether to delete the original objects. Mirroring is particularly useful in symmetrical designs, common in architecture, consumer goods, and high-tech industries.

To maximize your productivity with DraftSight, practice using these basic drawing tools regularly. Familiarize yourself with keyboard shortcuts and explore the software’s extensive documentation and tutorials. Applying these tools effectively in your design projects will enhance your precision, streamline your workflow, and contribute to successful product innovation across various industries. Mastering the basic drawing tools in DraftSight is essential for any CAD professional.
These tools provide the foundation for creating precise and detailed 2D designs, enabling you to excel in diverse fields such as aerospace, automotive, life sciences, industrial equipment, high-tech, consumer goods, architecture, construction, and urban planning. By understanding and utilizing these tools effectively, you can enhance your productivity, drive innovation, and achieve success in your design projects. Start exploring DraftSight today and unlock your full potential in CAD design.