DraftSight Premium
DraftSight Premium offers an extensive array of features found in DraftSight Professional, along with comprehensive 3D capabilities and parametric constraints. Elevate your design process with the ability to create intricate 3D models and leverage parametric constraints for precise control over your designs.
With DraftSight Premium, you can meet a wide range of needs, from drafting and modeling to prototyping, manufacturing, laser cutting, and 3D printing. Experience the versatility and flexibility in your design projects, allowing you to bring your ideas to life with confidence. Upgrade today and unlock a new world of possibilities in 3D design and beyond.
3D Modeling
Go from 2D drafting to 3D modeling and back again to optimise and maximize your designs. Export as STL or SAT to print or use in 3D applications.
3D Meshing
Create complex 3D surfaces or geometries by defining a mesh with custom contours and numerous editable points for better control and design.
2D Constraints
Control objects parametrically by specifying geometric and dimensional constraints. Easily define relationships between entities and control their dimensions.